Windows Mobile 6.5 Gestures (一)
在Windows Mobile 6.5中有提供了兩個新的功能,一個是Widgets,另外就是Gestures API了,今天就來測試看看Gestures的功能。由於Gestures是WM 6.5才有的功能,所以必須要有WM 6.5的模擬器來做測試,如果還沒有安裝過的話,可以到下面位置下載、安裝,請切記,要先安裝Windows Mobile 6 SDK,之後再安裝Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit,順序可不能顛倒喔。
是不是很方便使用呢?Gestures API真是個好物啊 ~
- Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Standard Software Development Kits Refresh
- Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit
- 小歐的這篇-[Windows Mobile]Gestures API 擷取使用者的手勢
- Windows Mobile Managed Gestures Sample
這邊可以下載到managed code需要的dll以及相關的sample,裡面也有兩個web cast,記得要看 - How Do I: Use Windows Mobiles 6.5 Gestures in Managed Code?
- MSDN-Using Gestures in Windows Mobile 6.5
- How to use the MSDN managed code gesture wrapper in a Windows Mobile 6.5 device project
Imports System.Drawing Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile Public Class Form1 Dim WithEvents g As Gestures.GestureRecognizer ''移動的間隔頻率 Dim MoveFeq As Integer = 10 ''儲存每次位移的移動量 Dim offset As Integer Dim Panels(2) As Panel ''儲存目前位於前景的panel號碼 Dim panelIndex As Integer = 1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load g = New Gestures.GestureRecognizer() g.TargetControl = Me ''設定Panel相關的位置與大小 pCenter.Location = New Point(0, 0) pCenter.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size pLeft.Left = 1000 pLeft.Top = 0 pLeft.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size pRight.Left = 1000 pRight.Top = 0 pRight.Size = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Size ''設定panel陣列指向的panel Panels(0) = pLeft Panels(1) = pCenter Panels(2) = pRight AddHandler g.Scroll, AddressOf Gestrues_Scroll End Sub Private Sub Gestrues_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Gestures.GestureScrollEventArgs) Select Case e.ScrollDirection Case Is = Gestures.GestureScrollDirection.Left If panelIndex > 0 Then panelIndex -= 1 Else Exit Sub End If MoveCtl(Panels(panelIndex), 0 - Me.Width, 0, False) Case Is = Gestures.GestureScrollDirection.Right If panelIndex < 2 Then panelIndex += 1 Else Exit Sub End If MoveCtl(Panels(panelIndex), Me.Width, 0, True) End Select End Sub Private Sub MoveCtl(ByRef ctlToMove As Panel, ByVal intStart As Integer, ByVal intEnd As Integer, ByVal Direction As Boolean) ctlToMove.Left = intStart ctlToMove.BringToFront() offset = Math.Abs((intStart - intEnd) \ MoveFeq) Do If Direction Then ''右--->左 If ctlToMove.Left <= intEnd Then ctlToMove.Left = intEnd Exit Do End If ctlToMove.Left -= offset Else ''左--->右 If ctlToMove.Left >= intEnd Then ctlToMove.Left = intEnd Exit Do End If ctlToMove.Left += offset End If Me.Invalidate() Application.DoEvents() Threading.Thread.Sleep(500 \ MoveFeq) Loop End Sub End Class執行的時候畫面大致會像是下圖這樣
是不是很方便使用呢?Gestures API真是個好物啊 ~